
If you donate $25 or more we will send you a Stu and The Kids t-shirt for free!

#letmychangehelpmakechange is a campaign to help raise funds for university scholarships for the kids here in Chiang Mai. This year one of our donors did this for 6 months and donated $261 to us. He said it was so easy and he would try to get other people to do the same. We now have 4 people doing the same and they will save for the year and then donate what they saved to us. He told me “everyone has change and it is such an easy way to help”. He suggested it to his grand kids too and they thought it would be fun. If you are interested in doing this please just print out the picture and put it on a jar or whatever you would like to use. We would really appreciate it if you could take a photo, post it on social media and add #letmychangehelpmakechange and #stuandthekids. It is amazing how much this really helps the us out.

Thank you so much for your support. -Stu

Print out one of the images below for your jar. Just click and drag to your desktop.


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