Well time for another graduation for the kids at the Wat Don Chan and this makes my 5th time attending. I am as always so sad to see them go but so happy for them. A few of the kids are going to stay at the Wat and take some college course while others are moving on to work, university or back to their villages to help their families. Stu and the kids will be helping Mimi and Sum Yot continue their education and we are all so excited. Today I saw both of them to give them their money for their first semester and their first months rent as well as getting money for books and uniforms.
I am heading off to the states to see family and friends and work, this year has been tough with having that heart attack. I am not mad, it was a great wake up call and I am in better shape and healthier than ever. My girlfriend Oy will be stepping in to meet with Mimi, Sum Yut and Tanagone to give them their monthly allowance for rent and food and keeping tabs on them while I am gone. I also plan to do a lot of fundraising while I am in the states, it is turning out to be a lot more work this time but we are hoping to raise enough funds for 5 kids next year so we must step up our game. I will be porting about these events very soon.
After the graduation ceremony I gave out the computers that were donated to Stu and the Kids. The kids and I would like to thank Nik from Australia and Andrey from Russia for these. Good luck to all of the kids that graduated this year and hope to see you all again sometime.